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Unlocking the Power of Voice in 2022

Unlocking the Power of Voice in 2022
The customer experience is evolving. When we discuss innovation in the customer service space, we immediately jump to digital. When we highlight CX trends, we focus on how fast, seamless, and convenient service experiences can be. But, what we don’t often discuss is the inherent need for traditional support options. Sure, digital is still a critical pursuit for organizations looking to streamline experiences. But, when customers have an urgent matter to discuss or a complicated concern, most jump straight to the phone channel. Bypassing confusing and robotic digital experiences, customers know that speaking to an agent will give them instant access to support, and a dedicated expert, is happy to solve their most complex issues. And, even though organizations recognize the need for live service, some are choosing to eliminate this critical channel in favor of a digital-first strategy. Modern companies moving away from voice are relying on digitally fluent customers to troubleshoot their concerns virtually, rather than extend a traditional voice option. What’s concerning with this reality, however, is the fact that 97% of customers still largely expect access to a live customer service representative for at least some of their issues, according to CCW Digital research.


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