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The Small and Medium Business Efficiency toolkit

The Small and Medium Business Efficiency toolkit
Running a business in uncertain economic times can be tough – more so if you’re a small or medium-sized business (SMB). Having regained some momentum since COVID-19, SMBs now face a fresh set of challenges in the form of rising inflation, spiraling interest rates, and tighter monetary policies.
Building a thriving business in this climate calls for innovation, as well as resourcefulness and efficiency – the ability to do more with less. That’s something that many SMBs have already been practicing. But now, instead of looking at quick efficiency fixes and one-off tech solutions that only cut costs in the short term, it’s time to take a long-term view.
You want your business to scale fast but cost-efficiently, not just in the next six months but in the following five to ten years as well. A lot depends on how well your organization automates its processes, how productive your teams are, and how effectively you harness data to make decisions. In other words, success hinges on the fundamentals of an efficient business.
This ebook explains those fundamentals and brings them to life through the inspiring stories of six SMBs from India who’ve found ways to cut costs, eliminate inefficiencies, and use data to improve customer experiences. Discover how your business can also do the same.

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