Xin Global Media

How to sell a content marketing program to your boss

Sometimes SEO-friendly content isn’t all that matters. Pre-launch, it’s CEO-friendly content that counts.

How to sell a content marketing program to your boss

Without a sophisticated content marketing strategy at your back, it’s nearly impossible to keep pace with competitors and search engine algorithms. But not every executive has come around to the value of content marketing.

We’ve identified several things marketers can do to win the approval of their bosses while reporting measurable results.

Download our white paper to learn:

  • How to report ROI.
  • The value in macro and micro conversions.
  • How to target prospects at each stage of the funnel.
  • How to customize your pitch so your boss listens up.
  • What tactics to pursue out of the gate.
  • How to respond to any naysayers.

If all goes well, you’ll win approval for your content marketing program and put yourself in your boss’s good graces.

Good luck!

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