Xin Global Media

Why did my Domain Authority go down? And other top Domain Authority questions answered

Why did my Domain Authority go down? And other top Domain Authority questions answered

Why did my Domain Authority go down? And other top Domain Authority questions answered Domain Authority is the mysterious metric digital marketers aim to increase – but how? Domain Authority isn’t an official ranking factor for search engines – but it’s a metric that marketers aim to understand and manage anyway. So what is DA anyway? And …

Why did my Domain Authority go down? And other top Domain Authority questions answered Read More »

How to use tools to determine which content to re-optimize: A step-by-step guide

How to use tools to determine which content to re-optimize: A step-by-step guide

How to use tools to determine which content to re-optimize: A step-by-step guide What is content re-optimization, why do you need it and how do you do it? “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is one of those maxims that should be applied sparingly in content marketing. Case in point: Digital marketers everywhere are …

How to use tools to determine which content to re-optimize: A step-by-step guide Read More »

What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing? What exactly is content marketing?This exhaustive guide answers this question in depth, plus explains its benefits, demonstrates how to integrate it into a marketing strategy and shows how to measure your content marketing successes. Content marketing can shorten your sales cycle, reduce your cost per lead and is much more budget-friendly than outbound …

What is Content Marketing? Read More »


Lead Generation: Building & Maintaining Key Relationships

Lead Generation: Building & Maintaining Key Relationships Lead generation is no longer about filling the top of the funnel. It’s imperative that we, as marketers, build real and lasting relationships with clients, prospects, and customers from day one. We’ve partnered with our friends at Marketing Profs to help marketers enhance their demand generation strategy and …

Lead Generation: Building & Maintaining Key Relationships Read More »