Xin Global Media

Take your B2B business online

In our new B2B eBook, we guide you through the B2B ecommerce landscape, share benefits for your business, showcase what moving online looks like in practice… and much more!


B2B Online vs Offline

The modern-day B2B buyer wants to buy on their terms whenever and wherever they want. Download our latest eBook, where we’ll be offering practical advice and actionable insights to get your B2B company primed for ecommerce success. Download it by filling in the form on the right!

Here’s a sneak peek of what to expect from this B2B eBook:

B2B Ecommerce Landscape
Giving you an overview of the current B2B landscape and the key items your business needs to have.

The benefits of Ecommerce for B2B
Demonstrating how you can solve various business and operational challenges in one fell swoop.

The B2B Customer Experience
Showcasing ways that a digital presence benefits both your existing and prospective customers.

Moving Online in Practice
Practical advice on how to build a solid B2B ecommerce foundation block by block, depending on your digital maturity.

An Action Plan
As a bonus, you’ll receive a 7-step action plan to help you understand the key steps to consider when starting your journey.

The B2B Platform of Choice
Highlighting the native, out-of-the-box features that the Magento 2 B2B platform has.

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