Xin Global Media

Social media FAQs: what marketers want to know about social media best practices

What’s on your mind?

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Content marketing without social media is impossible. And pairing dynamic paid ad campaigns with an effective organic strategy can amplify your content and generate hard ROI for your business.

Still, many marketers approach social media as an afterthought or as a tactic that isn’t inherently measurable.

Download our eBook to learn:

  • The most common questions social media marketers are asking.
  • Best practices for selecting social channels which showcase your brand.
  • Whether you should be including paid or organic tactics in your social media strategy.
  • Why audience personas are key to running ad campaigns.
  • How diverse your posts need to be across various social feeds.
  • Social metrics to track.
  • What to do if your business operates in a boring industry.

We know you have questions. Now you have answers.

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