Xin Global Media

12 ways to do real estate content marketing like the pros

12 content ideas trendier than shiplap.

12 ways to do real estate content marketing like the pros

Real estate marketers are responsible for promoting and influencing the purchase of the largest asset the average American will ever own: a house.

Communicating the elegance and the empowerment of idyllic forever home sounds stylish, unless you’re the one who has to hit actual marketing quotas.

Download our eBook to learn:

  • Which content formats are best suited for real estate businesses.
  • How realtors can leverage social media and listing services.
  • Why newsletters and evergreen content never grow old.
  • How augmented and virtual reality are reshaping the home-human experience.
  • Why marketing events hold enormous value.
  • How to balance effective storytelling and legalese.
  • How to outdo competitors with physical and digital content ideas.

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